关于 AS200959 / About AS200959
Sunflyer全域实验网络(AS200959, 也叫Sunflyer Net/SGEN)是由我自己维护的用于了解和实验全球公网网络结构,以及连接我自己的设备至公共Internet的实验性质的迫真脆皮骨干网。由于资金问题(穷),这张网络目前只有IPv6连通性。(BGP Player公网能跑就行要什么自行车)
Sunflyer Global Experiment Network (AS200959, aka Sunflyer Net/SGEN) is an experiment network maintained by myself to understand the global networking infrastructre and connect my own network to the world. The network now accepts IPv6 only.
我目前运行以下PoP / PoPs as of now:
- 德国,法兰克福 (LOCIX),基于xTom (AS3204) / Frankfurt, Germany (LOCIX) in associated with xTom.
- 新加坡,基于 Vultr (AS20473)/ Singapore, in associated with Vultr (AS20473)
如果想与我建立对等互联,请通过邮件联系我:) (你可以在PeeringDB找到联系方式)
If you would like to peer with me, drop me a mail (you may find contact info via PeeringDB).
对等互联策略 / Peering Policy
PoPs in oversea region have open peering policy, it could be either peering via IXP or via tunnel (Wireguard is preferred, GRE supported too).
For PoP in China, due to regulation limits, it doesn’t accept peering to oversea peers, and I don’t accept peering with others in Mainland China neither due to infra maintenance.
For those who would like to setup peering, please kindly be noted:
- 你可以将import limit设置为不超过200的数值,毕竟我只有2段/40和一段/44用来玩,一般情况下我会根据需要在不同的地区宣告更精细的路由。 / You may set the import limit to 200 since I have only 2 /40 prefixes and 1 /44 as of now, and I would announce more specific prefixes depends on regions.
- 我只会发送我自己网络内部的前缀路由,其他对等互联收到的前缀不会被发送。 / I will only send you my own prefixes, other peers prefixes won’t be sent.
- 总的来说,对于对等互联的Session,在一般情况下建议只对我发送你自己网内的前缀:) / In general, for peering session, you should only send me your own prefixes as well 😀
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